2025 Spring Programme
The 79th Annual General Meeting
Will be held on Tuesday 21st January 2025 At Bare Village Club at 7.30pm
See Below for Agenda
Election of Committee Members
Nominations are invited from members please forward these to the Secretary by midnight on Friday 10th January
Any Other Business
Any other items of business for the AGM must be forwarded these to the Secretary by midnight on Friday 17th January.
As usual, the AGM will be followed by a short presentation. This year it will be a video about the Costa Concordia fiasco. Informative but also humorous in places so worth seeing. The Agenda for the AGM, together with the Spring Programme, will be distributed at the beginning of the New Year.
Agenda of 79th Annual General Meeting
- Apologies for absence
- Minutes of the 78th AGM
Copies of previous AGM minutes will be circulated on e-mail prior to the meeting - President’s Address
- Secretary’s Report
- Treasurer’s Report and Statement of Accounts
- Election of Officers
- Election of Committee Members
- Appointment of Auditor
- Any Other Business
Subscriptions are due in January (£15 p.a. for 2025 i.e. no change subject to confirmation at AGM) and may be paid at the meeting, or preferably by direct bank transfer.
(Details will be circulated by e-mail)
Please check with the Treasurer if you believe you may be in arrears!
Please note that cheques should be made payable to “Lancaster Engineering Society”
If paying Cash please try to have the right change or try get some at the bar so we don’t delay proceedings.
Tuesday 18th February “Building a steam locomotive” A presentation by Roger Womersley
Roger will take us through a few aspects of building a new steam locomotive, a Class G5 Locomotive, from his experiences as a member of the project based at Shildon near Darlington. Not all the problems in building a new loco arose from funding and build skills e.g. The G5 class in common with many locomotives designed in the late 19th and early 20th century had its cylinders mounted between the frames. This necessitates having a crank axle to transmit the drive from the connecting rods to the wheels. By the time that today’s design standards were written, steam had been withdrawn and no modern rail vehicles have crank axles.
Tuesday 18th March TBA There are several options for this meeting none are as yet confirmed
As you are no doubt aware meetings are on the THIRD Tuesday in the month, at the Bare Village Hall, Bare Lane, Bare, starting at 7.30 p.m. However if changes to the programme are needed you will be notified by e-mail and Facebook so please make sure your contact details are up to date and you have submitted a GDPR form so we can contact you.
Please notify any change of email address, postal address or telephone number to the Secretary, either at a meeting or preferably via e-mail.
Note visitors are always welcome to attend our meetings, especially young engineers, who are eligible to join at a favourable rate.
Further information on any aspect of the Society is available from the Secretary, Phil Slack, tel. 01524-423287 or les.secretary@yahoo.com, from the LES Web Site www.lancasterengineeringsociety.org.uk or at the Society’s new Facebook group page. www.facebook.com/groups/LancasterEngineeringSociety